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Spectroradiometers for Radiometry

Comprehensive range of spectroradiometers for measuring radiometric parameters in the spectral range 200 nm to 2150 nm.

Over the years, we have developed a variety of spectroradiometer device variants to cover a wide range of spectral ranges from UV, VIS to NIR (200 nm to 2150 nm) and applications. Devices can be equipped with various entrance optics directly mounted or configured for use with optical fibers. Laboratory, industrial or weather proof devices, as well as mobile handheld or orientation-independent devices for goniometers are available.

We would like to mention that not all versions are presented on the webpage. Please contact us if you look for something very specific. We are experts in customized spectroradiometric solutions, especially due to our ISO 17025 calibration laboratory which is able to calibrated all kind of quantites in customized setups. In general for all versatile high-end BTS2048 spectroradiometer series versions fiber coupled versions with own optical fiber connectors or FC fiber are possible. Beside spectral irradiance optics as well integrating spheres for spectral radiant power and lenses for spectral radiance are available.

See here an overview of the different possible spectral ranges:

Spectral Range Table

Model Wavelength Range (nm) Resolution (nm)
BTS2048-UV Serie 200 - 430 0.8
BTS2048-UV-2 Serie 200 - 550 1.0
BTS2048-UVVISNIR Serie 200 - 900 2
BTS2048-VL-TEC-X 280 - 1050 1.0
BTS2048-VL Serie 280 - 1050 2
BTS2048-BS Serie 400 - 530 0.3
BTS2048-NIR Serie 950 - 1700 5.5
BTS2048-IR Serie 950 - 2150 9

BTS256 Serie

Model Wavelength Range (nm) Resolution (nm)
BTS256-UV Serie 200 - 525 2.8
BTS256-LED-UV 200 - 550 5
BTS256-EF 360 - 830 10
BTS256-LED 360 - 830 5
BTS256-LED-IR 750 - 1100 5

CSS-45 & MSC15 Serie

Model Wavelength Range (nm) Resolution (nm)
CSS-45-UV 200 - 440 5.5
CSS-45 & MSC15 Serie 360 - 830 10

Spectral Ranges Diagram

A family of compact, high-performance spectroradiometers with fixed entrance optics or for use with fibre bundles

Model Image Entrance Optic Spectral range / nm Optical Bandwidth Measurement range - broadband detector Measurement range - Spectral sensor Remark
BTS2048-UV BTS2048-UV 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(190 - 430) nm

0.8 nm

(5E-3 - 2E5) W/m² (1) (3E-5 - 3E4) W/(m²nm) @325nm Very good stray light reduction. Versatile for all kind of UV measurements.
BTS2048-UV-S BTS2048-UV-S 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(190 - 430) nm

0.8 nm

(5E-3  -  2E5) W/m² (1) (3E-5 - 3E4) W/(m²nm) @325nm Excellent stray light rejection, special mode for solar similar measurements.
BTS2048-UV-2 BTS2048-UV-2 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(200 - 550) nm

1.0 nm

(5E-3 - 2E5) W/m² (2E-5 - 1.5E4) W/(m²nm) @325nm Very good stray light reduction. Versatile for all kind of UV measurements with extended wavelength range compared to BTS2048-UV with slightly increased optical bandwidth.
BTS2048-BS BTS2048-BS 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(400 - 530) nm

0.3 nm

(1E-3 - 1E7) W/(m²nm) High resolution spectroradiometer for e.g. blue lasers
BTS2048-VL-TEC BTS2048-VL-TEC 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(280 -1050) nm

2 nm

0.1 lx - 3E8 lx (1E-6 - 1E5) W/(m²nm) Versatile high-end spectroradiometer with very wide spectral range.
BTS2048-VL-TEC-X BTS2048-VL-TEC-X 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(280 -1050) nm

1 nm

0.1 lx - 3E8 lx (1E-5 - 1E6) W/(m²nm) For use as Transfer Standard Spectroradiometer - spectral irradiance
BTS2048-VL BTS2048-VL 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(280 -1050) nm, see limitation for calibration

2 nm

0.1 lx - 3E8 lx (1E-5 - 1E5) W/(m²nm)  Reduced version of the BTS2048-VL-TEC. Due to the omission of cooling, it is attractively priced if short measuring times are expected.
BTS2048-UVVISNIR BTS2048-UVVISNIR 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(200 - 900) nm

2 nm

(5E-3 - 2E5) W/m² (1E-6 - 1E5) W/(m²nm) @550nm Versatile high-end spectroradiometer with wide spectral range vom UV, VIS to NIR.
BTS2048-NIR BTS2048-NIR 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser

(950 - 1700) nm

5.5 nm

(15 to 6E7) W/m² + filter option (1E-4 - 2E4 W/(m²nm) @1350 nm NIR spectroradiometer with a wide dynamic range
BTS2048-IR BTS2048-IR 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser

(950 -2150) nm

9 nm

(15 - 6E7) W/m² (2E-4 - 1E4) W/(m²nm) @1600 nm Versatile high-end spectroradiometer for the IR range.
BTS256-UV BTS256-UV Diffuser 10 mm Ø

(200 - 525) nm

2.8 nm

(0.01-1000) W/(m²nm), depending on spectral distribution, higher values possible Handheld spectroradiometer, ideal for UV curing
BTS256-EF BTS256-EF Diffuser window with 20mm diameter, cosine corrected field of view, f2 Error ≤ 3%

(360 - 830) nm

10 nm, mathematical optical bandwidth correction according to CIE 214 can be automatically applied

(0.01 - 199999) lx (1E-4 - 3E2) W/(m²nm) @ 500 nm Versatile handheld spectroradiometer with fast photodiode which allows Flicker measurements, color measurements, etc., WiFi option
CSS-45-UV CSS-45-UV 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 1.5%

(200 - 440) nm

5.5 nm

optical bandwidth correction applied according to CIE 214


n/a typ. (10E-4 - 10E2) W/(m²nm) Compact UV spectroradiometer in 37 mm detector housing. Can be combined with CSS-D display unit or direct PC remote control (USB).
CSS-45 CSS-45 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 1.5%

(360 - 830) nm

10 nm

optical bandwidth correction applied according to CIE 214


n/a 1 lx - 350,000 lx (white LED) Minispectroradiometer in 37 mm detector design. Can be combined with CSS-D display unit or directly PC remote control (USB).
CSS-45 with CSS-D CSS-45 with CSS-D 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 1.5% n/a 1 lx - 350,000 lx (white LED) CSS-45 combined with CSS-D display unit
BTS256-LED BTS256-LED Tester Integrating sphere 15mm Ø entrance port

(360 - 830) nm

5 nm

70000 lm 10 mlm - 1100 lm Spectroradiometer with BiTec sensor for single LED test. Can also be combined with integrating spheres.
BTS2048-UV-S-WP BTS2048-UV-S-WP 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(190 - 430) nm

0.8 nm

(5E-3 - 2E5) W/m²  (1) (3E-5 - 3E4) W/(m²nm) @325nm Weatherproofed for outdoor use (UV)
BTS2048-VL-TEC-WP BTS2048-VL-TEC-WP 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser f2 ≤ 3%

(280 -1050) nm

2 nm

0.1 lx - 3E8 lx (1E-6 - 1E5) W/(m²nm) Weatherproofed for outdoor use (extended Visible-NIR range)
BTS2048-IR-WP BTS2048-IR-WP 10 mm Ø Cosine diffuser

(950 -2150) nm

9 nm

(15 - 6E7) W/m² (2E-4 - 1E4) W/(m²nm) @1600 nm Weatherproofed for outdoor use
BTS2048-VL-F BTS2048-VL-F Light guide adapter F16-F

(280 -1050) nm, if a calibration down to 280 nm is needed we recommend the BTS2048-VL-TEC-F version

2 nm

* (2) * (2) Fiber-coupled version of the BTS2048-VL
BTS2048-UV-F BTS2048-UV-F Light guide adapter F16-F

(190 - 430) nm

0.8 nm

* (2) * (2) Fiber-coupled version of the BTS2048-UV
BTS2048-VL-TEC-F BTS2048-VL-TEC-F Light guide adapter F16-F

(280 -1050) nm

2 nm

* (2) * (2) Fiber-coupled version of the BTS2048-VL-TEC
LDM-C50 LDM-C50 1.1° (19 mrad) FOV, focus 0.45m to ꚙ 40 mcd/m² to 5.5 Gcd/m², 360 nm to 830 nm Spectral radiance optic for BTS2048 series with integrated camera.
LDM-C105 LDM-C105 Adjustable focus, 0.3m to ꚙ 2.7 mW/(m²sr) to 3.9 GW/(m²sr) @ 285 nm, UV Radiance optic with integrated camera for use with BTS2048-UV series devices

* (1) Deuterium lamp

* (2) Dependent on entrance optics attached to fiber

See also: Spectroradiometers with Integrating Spheres